Apr 18Liked by Suzanne Lachmann

I hope that a wider audience understands the significance of Trump’s decline. I’m a retired physician, and your assessment is spot on.

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I’m humbled. Thank you.

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Apr 18Liked by Suzanne Lachmann

The Orange King of malapropisms and word salads is exhibiting symptoms of Adderall abuse and phonemic paraphasia. He’s been a serial drug abuser for decades. He never came to the office until noon his entire presidency, because he’s jacked and rage tweeting til 4 am. His tardiness to the most important job is indicative of him having to “sleep it off”. Imagine as he descends into dementia and devolving cognitive impairment, a segment of our society wants to give this completely incompetent and narcissistic bag of skin, the nuclear codes?

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I'm glad you mentioned phonemic paraphasia. I notice that too. It's quite observable in his speeches when he rambles off topic and loses his train of thought. I doubt he could even SAY phonemic paraphasia! Of course those episodes are probably not shown on right wing cable TV beside Biden tripping up the steps to Air Force One.

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Apr 16Liked by Suzanne Lachmann

Remember how drugged up he seemed during his time in office? Dilated pupils, loud, frequent sniffing, odd behavior? That level of drug abuse takes its toll.

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It may have propped him up as his potential dementia Symptoms worsened

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Trump's head and face physically look like he's approaching final stages of life. Normally I'd add "HOL", but I'm serious!

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Apr 16Liked by Suzanne Lachmann

Accuse your enemies of that which you are guilty.

He knows it.

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Just look at the brave work of Dr bandy Lee and her colleagues at Yale University; many psychiatrists have been saying for years that he is unfit to be president, mentally unfit. I have masters from Oxford University and was psychology tutor there, so I'm qualified to say diaper Donna is MALIGNANT NARCISSISTIC PSYCHOPATH!!! JUST LIKE JIM JONES OF THE FAMOUS KOOL-AID CULT AT JONESTOWN!

Medical professionals have been warning America for years now and America-- to its own detriment IGNORES THE DIRE WARNINGS OF MEDICAL EXPERTS!


Sheer stupidity and folly, America is clearly on a path to self-destruction by allowing this psychotic malignant narcissist to remain in politics and to even continue inciting domestic terrorism against his detractors

I'm Trista for president and sheriff and I approve of this message

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I heard him talking about Gettysburg. He should be in a home for the bewildered.

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How about his latest unhinged conversation about the “late great Hannibal Lector?? Like where the hell did that come from?

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Apr 16Liked by Suzanne Lachmann

My guess is it’s all because Trump is a colossal treasonous A-hole. But that’s just my opinion, man.

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Spirochete damage from syphilis(it could be true ; Ronny Jackson was lying about trump’s health). Let’s call this a counter conspiracy ;


He wants to be a mobster like Al Capone, so welcome to those cute little spiral “bugs”.

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Karma is catching up with him! Finally!

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Dementia. They will

Be pulling him by July. We won’t see him again. Haley will

Try and get in and the old White men wont have any of that.

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That party is so damn whacked out that They’ll decide they’re the ones with dementia over ever thinking he Might have it. A debate between him and joe would be hilarious

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Yup exactly. They have their heads in the sand.

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yes because they think they can control him. they thought that last time and boy were they surprised. McConnell sucked it up so he could stack the courts and do some other conservative changes but, trump surprised them by not playing along. if they think they can do it this time because they 'know' him, the surprise is going to be even greater!

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I worry now about Project 2025, as its writers are the true Christo-fascist Nazi puppeteers, who will prop up Diaper Don until he implodes into a pile of goo one day, and then they will control the VP in similar fashion. There won't be any (or enough) guardrails next time.

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I thought so too: if he is elected. it's hard to believe this could happen in the US. We've really degraded our loyalty to American democracy.

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That’s exactly what we all need to be worried about, Project 2025!! The plan is hatched already, the roadmap laid out. The evil ones waiting in the wings no longer need him to be sane or competent, they can run the show with him sitting in the oval watching tv & drinking Diet Coke.

They can put him on camera once in a while to keep his adoring fan base mollified. It’s extremely scary.

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From your mouth to God's ears.

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Any chance he spontaneously self-destructs before the election?

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I picture it as an implosion

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well he is doing his darnedest. every day practically I see more video clips of him acting demented either by topic, word choice, emotional outbursts, bullying like a 5 year old.

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I suffered an anoxic brain injury which resulted in a brain injury. I’ve met many others, through group therapy and rehab. Trump’s recent issues reminds me more of fluent aphasia than dementia. Or, perhaps, paraphasia. patients that I have been in therapy with are sometimes misdiagnosed in this way. I’m not a neurologist or psychologist, or psychiatrist, but my own issues lead me to discount dementia in favor of a diagnosis of some kind of aphasia. What do you think of this?

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They are not mutually exclusive, you’re absolutely right we believe there’s a phonemic aphasia afoot, But the plethora of other symptoms not to mention his father had Alzheimer’s.- point To a more holistic diagnosis which certainly incorporates some kind(s) of aphasia. Dr JOHN GARTNER of duty to Warn Does a remarkable job delineating the symptoms, including aphasia. You can find him on Twitter or X whatever you wanna call it: @Duty2Warn You will find a lot of helpful, illuminating material to help expand your opinion. Please do come back and share your impressions. As. an aside, I’m so sorry you had to endure any kind of brain trauma. I hope we have has helped you recover at least some of the important function you lost.

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Apr 17Liked by Suzanne Lachmann

Thank you for your concern and support. After I was in a coma for 30 days in 2014, I began having seizures after about 3 months after emerging from the coma. My seizures were often preceded by aphasia—I couldn’t produce a sound beyond a panicked yawp. My bleed was in the right parietal lobe. And my vision was the most affected part.of my brain. My uninformed guess is that it’s both the beginnings of dementia that will only get worse coupled with some kind of aphasia for Trump. Again thanks for your reply.

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I am not a Trump fan. However, unless you are a doctor who has examined him, done tests (such as a brain CT), performed behavioral and memory tests, and more - you can’t diagnose Trump or anyone else with dementia.

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Both-As he ages, his Dementia is Accelerating at an increasingly more Rapid Rate.

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He is clearly losing it. How long will it be until he pivots to using his diminished cognitive function as a CRIMINAL DEFENSE in court?

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I don’t think his pride would allow that.

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I think it will be the family that does it. They will move for guardianship then it won’t be up to him. This would be THEIR strategy to prevent further damage to the “brand” that they want to inherit. It would also clear a path for Donnie Jr. to attempt a takeover of MAGA and the Republican party. (I don’t predict that will work but there is no way he can resist trying. The narcissist doesn’t fall far from the tree!)

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